
Dear Sir / Madam!

Aikido Kids is a specialist Aikido club catering for children in Budapest, Hungary.  Aikido was developed as a form of self-defence, however, the coordination it imbues is proven to be intellectually stimulating for children.  As such, the programmes have been developed, in cooperation with the British International School, Budapest, to provide children with both mental and physical skills that will ensure a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. 

Contemporary educational thinking not only encompasses academia, it is about self-understanding and the development of emotional intelligence.  As such, Aikido Kids has worked with educational professionals to ensure that it benefits the ‘whole child’. 

Emotional Intelligence is now being seen as a pre-requisite for success in school, careers and as the antidote to the disease of the twenty first century – stress.  Aikido Kids sets out to build the confidence in children to become more socially aware and to empathise with others.

Therefore, the ancient art of self-defence we call Aikido, has been further developed to make it entirely beneficial for children.  Effectively, they are not following the same programmes as their adult counter-parts.  Of course, they will be able to defend themselves should they encounter an issue – but they will also, have the abilty to anticipate and defend themselves verbally.

Aikido is different to other Martial Arts, as it is about body awareness, flexibility and entirely about defence – it has never been regarded as medium for aggression.  Aikido Kids has taken this a stage further, and is unique in the programmes that it offers to children.

Tuition is in English and Hungarian.  The Headteacher is Gergo Juhasz, a 5th Dan Black Belt, who has traveled the world as an Aikido student – learning from the likes of:

  • Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu (Japan),the leader of aikido world headquarters – the grandchild of the founder of Aikido.
  • Kobayashi Yasuo 8th Dan,(Japan)
  • Tamura Nobuyoshi 8th Dan (France) 
  • Michael Narey 8th Dan (UK),
  • (and many more…!!!)

In addition, Gergo is an academic in his own right, and a qualified teacher, presently completing his PhD in Politics and Economics.

Contact us to discuss further the specialist nature of our programme for children – references are also available.  Kindly note, the first session is free and no immediate commitment is required.  Come and see what we do and chat with the experts about releasing your child’s potential.

Gergely Juhász 5th dan